My name is Jessica Mayrand and I am a CPA auditor, CA; working remotely – and currently – from Squamish, Beautiful British Columbia.
As part of my career journey, I’ve experienced different stimulating environments before entering the Xen World. From corporate banking to Venture capital, I also spent many years in one of the Big 4’s, earning solid audit experience and building a strong customer approach.
My career path brought me really close to entrepreneurs and opened my mind to new opportunities; as I seized the 21st century opportunity of Cloud Accounting : A creative and forward thinking approach that suits my daily lifestyle perfectly – the nomad one. I am an adventure pursuer, as I find my roots in evolving, discovering, exploring.
I am a strong advocate of simplicity and curiosity; as I believe that the meaningful things in life relies in the satisfaction of the now and the how. These days, I balance myself between the adrenaline of most extreme outdoor sports and the serenity of accomplishment by pushing my limits, always.
Helping others is one of the cornerstones on which my community is built on and I pursue an everyday goal of sharing it with my family, my friends, my colleagues and my clients.
– Bio written on some amazing melodic beats